Podcast Recommendations


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Which podcasts can you recommend to other entrepreneurs?

Current German-language podcasts on the topic of AI that we recommend:

  • KI Verstehen by Deutschlandfunk
    Available on the Website as well as on Spotify and other platforms.
  • The KI Podcast by ARD
    Available on the Website as well as on Spotify and other platforms.
  • KI-Update – a heise podcast
    Available on the Website as well as on Spotify and other platforms.
  • KI – und jetzt? How we want to live with artificial intelligence by rbb & DFKI
    Available on the Website as well as on Spotify and other platforms.
  • KI Werkstatt with Josef Birklbauer & Alexander Schurr from Die KI Company
    Available on the Website as well as on Spotify and other platforms.

AI Today Podcast – Insights into the latest trends and use cases in artificial intelligence.
Let us know and send us an email at office@paiper.one!

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If you want to find out what impact the EU AI-ACT will have on your day-to-day work, join our AI-ACT Community.

Therefore pAIper.one - the comprehensive software and support for the EU-AI-ACT

With pAIper.one, we offer specialized digital software products for compliance with legal requirements (AI-ACT) in the field of artificial intelligence. Our software solutions, the AI-ACT Governance Platform, AI-ACT Compliance Assistant and AI-ACT Compliance Community, help companies to operate safely within the AI-ACT legal framework. In addition to our digital products, we offer topic-specific workshops and training courses together with our partners and lawyers. These are offered exclusively via the AI-ACT Compliance Community.

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